COVID-19 Protocols (effective September 1, 2022)

Ask anyone! Sterling Massage Therapy Centre has always taken pride in maintaining a high standard of cleaning and disinfecting our clinic even prior to Covid-19. As the pandemic has evolved, we consistently change our protocols to ensure the continued safety of our clients and practitioners based on CMTO, OOA, Government and Public Health guidelines. They are as follows:

~ Each client must self-screen prior to their appointment time

~ Masks are now optional. We support and encourage you to do what makes you feel comfortable.

~ MASKS remain mandatory for anyone who has had covid or been a close contact with a positive case in the PAST 10 DAYS (monitoring for any symptoms)

~ IF recently POSITIVE, you must me a MINIMUM of 5 days past the start of your symptoms with symptoms improving for 24-48 hrs in order to have a treatment (24 hrs for respiratory, 48 hrs for gastrointestinal symptoms)

~ Each client that enters must use hand sanitizer or wash their hands in the washroom with soap and water

~ Clients are to enter through the front entrance and exit out the back entrance

~ Clients and practitioners are to use hand sanitizer or wash their hands with soap and water after their treatment

After EVERY client, we clean the following with Health Canada approved disinfectants:

~ All door handles including exterior doors, hand sanitizer pumps, payment devices, counter or tables (in and outside the treatment rooms) and washroom (if applicable)

~ Face cradle, stool, treatment table, lotion bottles as well as replacing all linens (sheets, towels and face cradle covers)